Ok, there's no way to deny it any longer. I have a SERIOUS shedding problem. The picture below shows the clump of hair I lost the last time I washed my hair (plus the once I lost before while massaging my scalp with my anti-dandruff lotion). I was really shocked so I decided to keep and count them.
I stopped counting after about 50 because there were way too many to count them all. So the next picture shows these 50 hair. I looks like a lot in the picture because of the light but it was actually a quite pathetic pile.
It gets worse!! Can you see the four evil knots in the next picture??
How in the world did that happen?! I had combed my hair before I oiled it with coconut oil, did wear it in a bun the entire day and combed it again before washing (with a sulfate-free shampoo, btw.).
I put all the hair in a bag and labeled it with the date and I will keep doing this for a couple of weeks to see if this problem gets better or worse. Let's hope for the latter! :-(
I really can't see what could possibly cause this problem since...
... I haven't changed my diet recently
... I don't take any medication
... I do drink plenty of water
... my diet is well balanced with fruit and nuts and all these goodies
... I do take a hair supplement twice a week
... my stress level is normal
... my blood had been checked recently and everything was fine.
Please, if you have any experience with excessive shedding let me know how you dealed with it!!