
I'm suffering from seborrhoeic dermatitis (scalp eczema) which means my scalp is super-sensitive, itchy and flaky.

P r e - W a s h

- L'Oreal Professionnel SĂ©rie Nature Oilixir (cone-free)

S h a m p o o s

- Eucerin Dermo Capillaire Urea Shampoo (sulfate-free)
- Ketmed (pharmaceutic)
- Basler Basis Shampoo (clarifying, once a month)

C o n d i t i o n e r s

- Basler Locken
- Basler Aleosan Stutenmilch
- Lee Stafford Breaking Hair

T r e a t m e n t s

- Basler Aleosan Stutenmilch
- Lee Stafford Breaking Hair Treatment
- Basler Neutral Treatment (after the perming)
- Basler Locken-Auffrischer (to re-activate the perm)

L e a v e - i n

- Lee Stafford Breaking Hair Detangling Spray
- Lee Stafford Breaking Hair Leave In Treatment
- L'Oreal  Elvital Oil Magique (silicone-bomb!)

S c a l p

- Eucerin Dermo Capillaire Anti-Dandruff Tonic (after washing)

S t y l i n g

- Basler Locken Styling Mousse forte
- Basler Locken Tonic-Spray forte
- Paul Mitchell Awapuhi Moisture Mist