I think it's about time to look back into my hairy past and confess my hairy sins to you.

Early 80's
The early years! When I was very little my hair was sort of curly.
This picture was taken in Winston-Salem, NC.
My hair has never been longer than that. This was the point where it stopped growing because I was wearing it down or in half-up styles every single day, washed it every other day and I was blow-drying it without any heat protection. I had a lot of split ends and my ends just broke off as fast as my hair grew at the roots.
Imagine how long my hair could be today had I already known all the things about hair and hair care I know today! Oh well.....

When I came back from the US in 1999 I got my first perm and from that on I constantly permed my hair until I got pregnant with my son in 2007.

February 2008
By the end of my pregnancy my last perm was nearly gone and the ends were pretty damaged and still a bit curly.

March 2008
After my son was born I felt like I needed a change and chopped it all off. This picture was taken after I came home from the salon where my hair had been tortured with a flat iron. Don't I look like a red-haired Jennifer Aniston? lol
Today I know of course how bad, bad, bad flat irons are.

Summer 2008
In Summer 2008 mummy was stupid enough to get another perm. Bad relapse, I know. My poor hair!!!

May 2009
At the beginning of 2009 I joined a long hair forum and decided to let my hair grow until it was 1 meter (40") long.
I started to grow out my last perm and my bangs, stopped blow-drying my hair and started to treat it as gentle as I could.
June 2012
And here I am now more than three years later. My hair is now 64 cm (25.2") long, completely natural and it has never looked better in my life.
It's growing slowly but steadily, I don't have many split ends and no breakage. I'm getting a trim (1 cm) every 4 months.
Early 80's
The early years! When I was very little my hair was sort of curly.
This picture was taken in Winston-Salem, NC.
My hair has never been longer than that. This was the point where it stopped growing because I was wearing it down or in half-up styles every single day, washed it every other day and I was blow-drying it without any heat protection. I had a lot of split ends and my ends just broke off as fast as my hair grew at the roots.
Imagine how long my hair could be today had I already known all the things about hair and hair care I know today! Oh well.....
When I came back from the US in 1999 I got my first perm and from that on I constantly permed my hair until I got pregnant with my son in 2007.

February 2008
By the end of my pregnancy my last perm was nearly gone and the ends were pretty damaged and still a bit curly.

March 2008
After my son was born I felt like I needed a change and chopped it all off. This picture was taken after I came home from the salon where my hair had been tortured with a flat iron. Don't I look like a red-haired Jennifer Aniston? lol
Today I know of course how bad, bad, bad flat irons are.

Summer 2008
In Summer 2008 mummy was stupid enough to get another perm. Bad relapse, I know. My poor hair!!!

May 2009
At the beginning of 2009 I joined a long hair forum and decided to let my hair grow until it was 1 meter (40") long.
I started to grow out my last perm and my bangs, stopped blow-drying my hair and started to treat it as gentle as I could.
June 2012
And here I am now more than three years later. My hair is now 64 cm (25.2") long, completely natural and it has never looked better in my life.
It's growing slowly but steadily, I don't have many split ends and no breakage. I'm getting a trim (1 cm) every 4 months.
I would say a most pretty girl at every age, and excited to follow your long hair journey.